Go to the About This Course page to learn what each of the faces represents. Please read the scenario below and click on the response that seems most appropriate. Note that there is no perfect answer provided, and each response offers feedback and a learning opportunity. Please see COPA’s recommended response.

Taking Bullying Seriously

SCENARIO: Your child is talking with their friends about an upcoming party. You hear them talking about their classmate who has a learning disability. They start laughing about how their classmate is not invited to the party.

1You know that this is a problem but you’re not certain that this is a case of bullying. You decide to wait until it becomes clear that this is a bullying situation.

These situations are difficult to manage. By not reacting immediately and deciding to observe the situation a little more, you give yourself time to see if there are other signs that point to a more explicit problem.

This may already be a bullying situation. Your child’s classmate might be experiencing ongoing exclusion.

One or all of the young people involved in this situation may be uncomfortable with what is happening. This is an opportunity to maximize their ability to act as an ally. As well, there may be a chance to provide support for your child’s classmate.

2You say: "It is unfortunate that some of your classmates won’t get to join in the party." You make a decision to ensure that the excluded classmate is invited to the party.

3You feel that it is a serious problem given the potential suffering of your child’s classmate. You decide to discuss the situation with your child and their friends in order to find strategies to put an end to the situation and communicate the message that bullying is not acceptable.

Explanation of the recommended response.