Go to the About This Course page to learn what each of the faces represents. Please read the scenario below and click on the response that seems most appropriate. Note that there is no perfect answer provided, and each response offers feedback and a learning opportunity. Please see COPA’s recommended response.

Creating Lasting Change

SCENARIO: Recently, your child has begun to use the word "gay" at home in a derogatory manner. You ask them about this, and your child informs you that everyone at school talks like that and it's no big deal. You let your child know that it’s not acceptable to use this word to hurt people and you explain the reasons. A week later, you receive a call from the principal, informing you that your child has been involved in a bullying situation. Following a meeting with the principal, you learn that your child has supported the bullying of a student who was taunted for being "gay".

1The principal informs you of the consequences your child will face at school, and you discuss ways you can support this at home.

This response shows that we take bullying and discrimination seriously.

By working in partnership with the school we can provide our children with a more consistent response that will support their role in creating safe environments for everyone.

It is unclear whether the other students involved in this incident are getting the support they need.

While addressing your child’s direct involvement in this bullying situation this response ignores the larger issues of homophobia and discrimination in the school.

2The principal informs you of the consequences your child will face at school, and you discuss ways you can support this at home. You also let the principal know what your child said about the widespread use of homophobic language and attitudes. You ask how the school will help the other students who are targeted in the same way.

3The principal informs you of the consequences your child will face at school, and you discuss ways you can support this at home. You let the principal know what your child said about the widespread use of homophobic language and attitudes and ask how the school will help the other students who are targeted in the same way. You ask the principal what plans the school has to address the homophobia that is clearly rampant.

Explanation of the recommended response.